Electoral Prayer 2018

You will all, no doubt, be aware that Electoral College starts today.

We ask all in the Diocese to pray for those attending College that they may seek God’s will for Christchurch and be open to the Holy Spirit moving. You may like to pray using the prayer supplied by the Vicar General, Helen Roud, in the image above.

In case you are still in the dark about the process for this weekend, it’s outlined below.

The process is…

  • College opens tonight (Fri night) at 6pm with a service followed by a meeting
  • It begins again on Saturday – until there is a result but 9pm at the latest
  • And if necessary also on Sunday beginning at 12 noon.

While the candidates’ names and what happens at Electoral College is all confidential, you can know that both clergy and laity will discuss and pray about the candidates. Voting will take place and by a process of elimination, a name will emerge as the most preferred candidate. At the end of the Electoral College, be that Saturday night or Sunday afternoon or evening, a media statement will be issued.

Once the voting has finished and a person has been nominated (with a majority vote), their name then goes forward to General Synod/ Te Hīnota Whānui to be approved. The Bishop Elect will be announced by the Primates as soon as possible after confirmation by GSTHW, most likely the end of August or early September.

If you happen to know someone at Electoral College this weekend, please pray for them and your clergy. We also request that you don’t ask them about what is happening, as they can’t tell you. Let’s continue to pray for our new Bishop, whoever he or she may be, and look forward to the Primates’ announcement very soon.

Edwin Boyce — Diocesan Manager