Nominations for Diocese Youth Representatives now urgently required

There are 2x Diocesan Youth Reps spots available for people aged between 16-24 years old for the next 2 years of this Synod term (Which started in September 2018). This is your opportunity to bring to voice of young people to Synod (the ruling body of the church) and to participate in shaping the future of the church. As a diocesan youth rep you get both speaking and voting rights. There is also an opportunity to be a youth representative of your parish with speaking rights. If you interested in representing ChCh young people at synod for the next term, then we want to hear from you. Get someone to nominate you (i.e. Youth Minister, Young Adults Leader, or Vicar) and you could be heading to Synod 5-7 September 2019.

  • Nominations to be emailed to by 1 July 2019 with a blurb of why you want to be a youth rep and what you would bring to the role.
  • An online voting process will then occur in July (if required) and successful reps will be announced by 29th July.
  • Voting will take place by youth in ministry units. There can only be one representative from a parish or school. There are currently four spots held by members of the parishes of: St Michael’s All Angels, Cashmere, Spreydon- Riccarton and Burnside- Harewood.
  • If you have any questions please contact Sammy by email or phone 022 0215401.


Sammy Mould | Youth Ministry Developer | Anglican Diocese of Christchurch

| 022 021 5401  |