Hi. My name’s Mark Chamberlain and I’m the Archdeacon for Regeneration and Mission in the Christchurch Diocese. It’s my firm conviction that Jesus is the key to human flourishing and knowing and loving him is the most fundamental thing we can do with our lives.

Our churches are therefore places where we celebrate this life with Jesus and learn the practices of the good life. Have you encountered Jesus?

I’m here to support churches as they explore this amazing calling – to love God, our neighbours, communities and world. I hope you’ll find resources on this website that have practical value for you and your church that will help you to live up to this calling. Please contact me by emailing if you want to know more about how to work toward the regeneration of your church and community.


The Diocese adopted the Diocesan Mission Action Plan in November, 2021. The DMAP was intended to support and enable the Bishop’s vision for regeneration in the Diocese. Synod 2024 will consider an update.

The DMAP is based on the conviction that God is a sending, missional God. God sent his Son and Spirit into the world and now invites his Church to be sent into the community to extend and fulfill the mission of Jesus.

The DMAP established a new position in the Diocese of Archdeacon for Regeneration and Mission and asked that all parishes consider ways to work towards the revitalization of our existing structures as well as undertake new missional initiatives and church planting. The DMAP also invited parishes to undertake Mission Action Planning and called for regular parish reviews.

Overall, the DMAP is a roadmap for revitalization and growth. It seeks to change the trajectory of decline so that, more and more, we can be a Diocese of life, vitality and active disciple making.


Mission Action Planning is a structured, Spirit-led process of missional planning. It is based on careful listening to our history, our community and church members. The basis of the MAP process is a time of brainstorming where the whole parish is invited to dream about what a bright future might look like and the ways to get there.

Two or three ‘Missional Priorities’ are settled on and these priorities are implemented by a designated team. They report to Vestry and the whole parish regularly. The whole parish is invited to celebrate when these Missional Priorities are achieved.

Parishes are invited to undertake a full Mission Action Planning process every two years or so or perhaps when a new Vicar or Priest-in-charge joins a parish. Click here for a PDF of ‘How to do Mission Action Planning’.


The Archdeacon for Regeneration and Mission reports to Synod 2023 on how the DMAP is being implemented around the Diocese. Click here to read his verbal report.


If there’s one thing Jesus was good at it was making disciples! So good that the 12 made other disciples who made other disciples. This is how Christianity grew within the Roman Empire, through 200 years of history to today. And yet many of us are not very good at making disciples! We spend more time ‘doing church’ but not enough time ‘making disciples’. This is the challenge of churches in the West and around the world today.

Many of us in our diocese are considering how this can change – how we can become better at making disciples and making disciples who can make disciples! A culture change is required in our parishes – to develop cultures of disciple making. Click here to find out more.


In this ‘Year of Prayer’ for the regeneration of our Diocese we invite you to join the Diocesan Prayer Community. This involves a commitment to pray daily for personal renewal and the regeneration of our Diocese. The scriptures declare that “Unless the Lord builds the house those who build it labour in vain.” Psalm 127:1. This is a call for us to ask that God would indeed build the church – our role is to pray and serve God faithfully. Belonging to the Prayer Community involves the following four daily commitments.

  1. Read and reflect on a passage of scripture
  2. Pray the Lord’s Prayer
  3. Pray the Diocesan Prayer for Regeneration
  4. Pray for the regeneration of our Diocese, the growth of our parishes, chaplaincies and agencies and for other needs.

Click here to join.


We all need encouragement in our faith from time to time. And that’s exactly what you’ll receive at the Diocesan Conference on Saturday 26 October. It will be held at the beautiful Christchurch Boys’ High auditorium and will feature Bishop Eleanor Sanderson from the UK as well as local speakers and musicians. You’ll hear more about this in the coming months but please mark the date now and decide to attend what will be an encouraging and inspirational conference!


Prayer for Mission

God of Mission

who alone brings growth to your Church,

send your Holy Spirit to give vision to our planning,

wisdom to our actions,

joy to our worship,

and power to our witness.

Help our churches to grow in numbers,

in spiritual commitment to you,

and in service to our local community,

through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Diocesan Prayer for Regeneration


As the kotuku gently rests upon the tree, come Holy Spirit and rest upon us as we pray for the regeneration of our Diocese.


Everliving God,

through your Spirit you constantly renew the whole creation;

bring regeneration to your Diocese of Christchurch,

grant us courage to grow disciples of Jesus,

give us vision to reach young people and their families,

and strengthen us to create vibrant communities of faith.

All this we ask in Jesus’ name.


Last update 20 May, 2024