Social Services Sunday
A variety of Anglican Care information and resources will be incorporated into Sunday services on 28 July to highlight the importance of Social Services in NZ and overseas. This event is held nationally.
A variety of Anglican Care information and resources will be incorporated into Sunday services on 28 July to highlight the importance of Social Services in NZ and overseas. This event is held nationally.
You are cordially invited to join us at 10.00am on Sunday 28 July 2019 to celebrate 60 years at St Christopher’s Church, … Continued
The New Thinkers Banquet is a youth pre-synod gathering for diocese youth synods reps, parish youth reps and anyone else … Continued
The video-conference can be accessed here from 1:50pm
Held at the Retreat House of the Community of the Sacred Name. These are contemplative, fully-catered weekends led by the … Continued
Everyone, but especially past parishioners, are invited to the De-Dedication Service of St Thomas’ Church in Strowan Rd on Sunday 25 … Continued
Event information is available here. Bookings can be made here.
Church Leaders face major dilemmas today, such as: How can we hold on to our best traditions and engage people … Continued
The Latimer Fellowship is delighted to announce that Rev. Dr. Ashley Null is visiting New Zealand in a few weeks … Continued
Dance the night away Christmas work functions can typically be stressful to organise but the Charity Hospital’s annual fundraising event … Continued
Registrations are now OPEN for the Westport Holy Spirit Conference on the weekend of 27-29 September. Spirit Conference for the … Continued
Books $2.00 each or 6 books for $10.00. Tea and coffee available. Donations of good quality books, cds, dvds, jig … Continued
A repeat of the already popular first-class introduction to the use of Te Reo in liturgy, delivered in an authentic Maori Church setting.
Despite the significance of this anniversary, the parish is planning only a modest celebration and saving the fireworks and balloons … Continued
A one-day workshop for South Canterbury preachers, new and experienced, with discussion about further support ongoing.
RSVP: to Veronica Cross by email or phone , with RSVPs to me by Friday 11th October please.
PRAYER FOR LIFE Christ’s Church Uniting in prayer for the pre-born This is an ecumenical prayer event to intercede for … Continued