Dear Friends,

Christ is risen. He is risen indeed. Alleluia!

I hope everyone had an excellent time at worship through the past week and a chance for some relaxation and recreation through the long holiday weekend. (I see—as usual—murmurings in the media about “why” can we not shop on Good Friday and Easter Day. One reason, which can be shared by believers and non-believers alike, is that two quiet days, without the buzz of cars moving around the shopping precincts, make for a lovely holiday feel to Easter Weekend!)

It was a privilege to share in worship in several places through the past week: Rolleston Prison, St Mark’s, Opawa-St Martins, Easter Camp, and the Transitional Cathedral. I thank all our clergy and lay worship leaders, choirs, and music groups for your extra work in preparation and delivery of services in Holy Week and Easter.

Over 150 young people, leaders and camp parents participated in Easter Camp at Spencer Park (among a total of around 3000 campers). The atmosphere at the Camp was lovely. I thank all our leaders and camp parents for their work before and during the camp.

The Gospel for this Sunday 7 April 2024, Easter 2 is John 20:19-31. There are all kinds of good news in this passage. One matter of good news is that Jesus affirms our present-day reality: we cannot see or touch the risen Jesus as Thomas and other disciples could, but we can believe in the risen Jesus Christ—and we are blessed for doing so.


