Dear Friends,

I’m pleased to announce that Rev’d Simon Green (Priest Assistant, Parish of Christchurch St Michael’s) has been appointed Priest In Charge of the Parish of Opawa-St Martins for a two-year period, beginning 1 October 2024. We congratulate Simon on this appointment and wish him well as he completes his time at St Michael’s and looks forward to being Priest In Charge of his first parish.

Recently Dr Averil Worner concluded her time as Principal of St Mark’s School, Opawa. Averil has been an outstanding principal of the school and I thank her for her leadership over the past 8 years. Late last week the school announced that the new Principal of St Mark’s will be Mr Adrian Rennie. I look forward to working with Adrian in this role, having appreciated working with him as Acting Principal in recent months.

At the end of Term 2, Mr Garth Wynne, Executive Principal of Christ’s College concluded eight years as an outstanding principal of College, and I thank Garth for his leadership since 2016. Garth’s teaching career has spanned 41 years in Anglican schools in Australia, England, and New Zealand. Garth and Annie return to their home city, Brisbane, where Garth will continue to work in education.

In Term 3, Mrs Gillian Simpson will be Acting Executive Principal of Christ’s College and from Term 4, as previously announced, Mr Joe Eccleton will begin as the new Executive Principal.


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I’m encouraged that 212 people have now joined the Diocesan Prayer Communion and are praying daily for the regeneration of our Diocese – thank you! The personal feeling that I am part of a wider community of people praying to God for renewal is amazing! Commitment to the Prayer Community includes the following: read and reflect on a passage of scripture, pray the Lord’s Prayer, pray the Prayer for the Regeneration of the Diocese and for other needs I send out in a monthly email. I’d love to reach our goal of 220 people soon! Click here to sign up.

I have invited Vicars and Priests In Charge to appoint a Living Faith Conference Champion for their parish. This person would be responsible for promoting the conference, inviting people to come, organising transport, and answering questions. I would regularly update Conference Champions by email. So far, a few parishes have let me know who their Champions are – thank you! If clergy haven’t yet done so, please appoint someone and let me know. The Living Faith Conference is on Saturday 26 October and tickets are available here.

All clergy are encouraged to sign up for the Retirement Seminars on Thursday, 25 July at St Martin’s church hall, Spreydon. Numbers are very low at present. The retired clergy session is from 11am-12 noon, and the serving clergy session is from 1-3pm with light refreshment in between. Please register here.

This Sunday’s gospel reading is Mark 6:14-29 which narrates the grisly execution of John the Baptist. Mark sandwiches this account between the sending of the Twelve and their return. After making a foolish promise the weak-willed Herod Antipas put his own honour and reputation above goodness and righteousness. It’s a reminder to all those who follow Christ and especially Christian leaders, that we may experience suffering or even death at the hands of those rulers who ‘lord it over’ others. What cost are we prepared to pay in our service to Christ and his Church?

Ven. Mark Chamberlain