Dear Friends,

It was good to be in the Parish of Lyttelton on Sunday, on a fine day and with a calm harbour seen from the wonderful viewpoint the church and vicarage have, to share in the weekly eucharist and to confirm Annette Rheinheimer.

I am grateful to the Reverend Shirley Hawke stepping up to become the Acting Archdeacon of South Canterbury while Archdeacon Ben Randall is on study leave this month.

At 1.30 pm today the funeral for Lennox Willett takes place in the Transitional Cathedral. Lennox is a former Director of Music at the Cathedral (at a time when the role was titled, Organist and Master of the Choristers. Prior to that role, Lennox was Assistant Organist for David Childs and a Lay Clerk in the choir. Another important contribution of Lennox in the life of our Diocese is that he was Headmaster of St. Mark’s School, Opawa for over 30 years. In more recent years Lennox was director of the Cathedral Singers (preceding Jill Kerr in that position) and has been a Cathedral Regular and staunch supporter of the Cathedral Choir and all of its endeavours. Please pray for Thelma and their family as they mourn his death.

This week I look forward to ordaining as priests the Reverend Gabriele Anderson, at 7 pmThursday 16 May, 2024, in St Stephen’s Church, Lincoln with the Reverend Pam Tizzard as preacher and the Reverend Simon Green, 7 pm, Friday 17 May, 2024 in St Michael’s and All Angels Church, Oxford Terrace, Christchurch with the Reverend Peter Williams as preacher. All are welcome to these services. Clergy are requested to robe: alb and red stoles.

With grateful thanks to an initiative from within the Co-operating Parish of Pukaki, and the work of approval by the Alpine Presbytery, I am pleased to announce that the Reverend Aaron Johnstone from Hawea will be the next ministry enabler for this parish.

In Cathedral news, we have been very pleased to learn this week that King Charles will continue as Royal Patron of Christ Church Cathedral Reinstatement Project. The then Prince Charles visited the Cathedral when he first became our Royal Patron in 2019.

Please pray for all members of the General Synod/Te Hīnota Whānui who will gather in Hastings this coming weekend, with Tikanga Pākehā members gathering for the Tikanga Pākehā Conference on Saturday, prior to the formal beginning to the Synod at 4 pm on Sunday afternoon. Alongside myself, with Edwin Boyce, Diocesan Manager in support, our Christchurch members are: (Clergy) The Reverends Toby Behan, Lucy Flatt, Kofe Havea, and (Laity) Byron Behm, Vivienne Jackson, Jessie McLeod, and Sue Robb.

This Sunday is Pentecost and the three readings are Acts 2:1-21; Romans 8:22-27; and John 15:26-27, 16:4b-15. A full understanding of the Holy Spirit—the living, powerful, personal presence of God among us, in the church, in individuals, and in the unfolding creation of the world—requires that we hold such “texts of the Spirit” together and reflect on all the insights within them. Thanks be to God for the Holy Spirit!

