Dear Friends,

Thank you for praying for the Reverend Jo Latham who underwent surgery on Monday as part of treatment for cancer. The surgeon was very pleased with the outcome of the operation. Please continue to pray for complete healing for Jo.

Last week, in company with over 700 family members, most of the Anglican bishops of Aotearoa New Zealand, and guests from NZCMS and the Anglican Missions Board, Teresa and I took part in the 200th anniversary reunion of the Henry and Marianne and William and Jane Williams families at Paihia in the Bay of Islands. Henry and Marianne and their children arrived in Paihia in 1823 and William and Jane and their children followed in 1826. This event was outstanding in many ways, not least in deepening our understanding of the significance of the extended Williams family for the progress of the gospel in Aotearoa New Zealand.

After some months without a chair, I am delighted to report that the Diocesan Council for World Mission will have a new chair, Bronwyn Tucker. Bronwyn with her husband Wayne are joining the Council this month. The Tuckers moved to Christchurch last winter after ten years teaching English in China. They have had a long involvement in world mission here in Aotearoa New Zealand and overseas. The Tuckers worship at St. Peter’s Upper Riccarton. Elsewhere in e-Life is a notice of a Diocesan Mission Motivator event at 10 am on Saturday 29 April 2023—all welcome!

Please note that the Anglican Centre will be closed on Monday 24 April 2023.

All too often church leadership has not found an appropriate way to respond to those who have been abused in church contexts. It is good to share a story which shows that appropriate ways can be found, in this case by our own Archbishop Philip Richardson. This story is also salutary reading for all of us who are involved in ministries of prayer and counselling.

Four important services are coming up at the Transitional Cathedral:

  • All are welcome at the Cathedral for the ANZAC Day Civic Service at 10 am, Tuesday 25 April, 2023.
  • All students, staff, graduates and supporters of the University of Canterbury are invited to a special service at 5 pm on Saturday 29 April to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the founding of the University. The service will be led by the Reverend Dr John Fox, Senior Ecumenical Chaplain at the University, with me as the preacher.
  • All are welcome to pray for our King and to give thanks for his coronation at the Kings Coronation Service, 5 pm Sunday 7 May 2023 (I will be the preacher).
  • The farewell for Dean Lawrence and Elizabeth Kimberley from their ministries at the Transitional Cathedral will be on Sunday 14 May 2023, following the 10 am Choral Eucharist. All are welcome.

This Sunday 23 April 2023, Easter 3 has the Epistle reading 1 Peter 1:17-23. This first chapter of the epistle begins with a declaration of the living hope we have been born into “through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” In this Sunday’s passage Peter speaks about how we, the resurrection people of God, are to live. Notably, Peter says, “love one another deeply from the heart.”