Greetings from the ARM! Each fortnight I’m publishing this short digital magazine to keep the mandate of mission and regeneration in our Diocese front and centre. I’ll be publishing short format videos of people involved in innovative missional projects, theological articles that inform both heart and mind about mission and I’ll also be keeping you up to date on what I’m doing around the Diocese and inviting you to ask me for support if you think I could be helpful.

If you like anything you read, I urge you to forward articles on to other people and invite them to subscribe so they can receive this magazine as well. This is a simple yet significant thing you could do to support the mission of our Diocese. And if you have news and ideas that you’d like to suggest please email me—I’d love to hear from you—

Click here to read the current newsletter. If you want to receive this in your inbox automatically, make such you subscribe at the bottom of the front page of the newsletter. You can unsubscribe at any time. May God bless you as we grow in faith in 2024 and see growth in our parishes!