The Cashmere Presbyterian Church is hosting The Cashmere Conference, as a forum for public issues from a Christian perspective.
The topic “What does the future hold?” will be explored through a variety of ways:
* A Public Lecture on Friday 9 September by Nicola Hoggard-Creegan: Implants and Upgrades, Cyborgs & Cellphones: Staying Human in the 21st Century
* The Saturday seminar on 11 September will include input from Nicola on the effects of environmental change, as well as a talk by Christchurch MP Ruth Dyson on the emerging future for Christchurch city, a panel discussion on the role of the church into the future, space for those attending to bring their own concerns and responses to the topic, and workshops.
* Workshop options:
a) Andrew Shepherd on the effects of digital images and technology on how people relate,
b) Ron Hay on connecting the Gospel with secular society
c) City Council staff on longevity and planning for an ageing society
d) and a Creative Space option
* Alongside the seminar will be a Youth Stream, space for young people to engage with the questions they have about the future.
More information can be found at