Message from the Bishop—22 April 2020

…our bubbles needs to continue. It is our continuing collective action which will ensure success. Individual actions which contradict the intent of Level 3 have potential to undermine what we…

LIVESTREAMING of Cathedral Site and Worker Blessing

Invitation to the LIVESTREAMING of the Cathedral in the Square Site and Worker Blessing   Now we’re in Level 3, work on stabilisation of the Cathedral can continue. This…

Deputy Vicar-General—8 July 2020

…be proud of your own country while singing about the greatness of someone else’s. This is in stark contrast to the global political environment, where national self-interest, xenophobia, mindless jingoism…

Message from the Bishop—12 July 2023

…Transitional Cathedral. Our preacher will be Acting Dean Bosco Peters. The Reverend Steven Dunne (Woodend-Pegasus) will be ordained priest in Holy Innocents, Amberley, 7 pm Friday 4 August 2023. The…

Level Reminders

Canterbury and Westland is now at Delta Alert Level 2 (limit 100) Parts of the country are still at Alert Level 3.   DIOCESAN GUIDELINES for Delta Alert Level 2—limit…

Delta Level 2 Diocesan Information

…on numbers attending, distancing, contract tracing, masking, singing, communion, refreshments, children’s and youth programmes and more. Level 2 Guidelines from Bishop Peter (dated 26 October 2021) Level 2 Chart Delta…

Message from the Bishop—24 March 2021

…public liturgical service in the Transitional Cathedral be an occasion for making those apologies within our Diocese? For the present, a variety of links to the hearings at the Commission…