Christmas Craft Workshops

  A chance for the kids to let their creative Christmas beasties loose as they create Christmas wonders for the whole family. While the kids enjoy their Christmas workshop why…

Christmas Services around the Diocese

…variety of Christmas and Holiday Services. The locations begin at North Canterbury, then Christchurch, and end at South Canterbury. Some require Vaccine Passes and some don’t. If no pass is…

Message from the Bishop—1 December 2021

…Teresa and I had a wonderful evening at the Transitional Cathedral as Cathedral Regulars and Volunteers gathering for Evensong and then for a meal together. On Friday night we entertained…

De-Dedication of St Thomas’ Strowan Rd

…by Bishop Peter Carrell. We will give thanks for the ministry, fellowship and mission that has taken place through St Thomas’ for over 100 years. The service will last for…

Parish Christmas Photo Competition

Does your church go all out at Christmas? Do you do marvellous things with your local community at Christmas? Do you have a children’s or whole-of-church Nativity play? If so,…

Level Reminders

…restricted and public venues are closed. Maintain physical distancing of 2m and wear a face mask when out. User the tracer app and/or record all contacts. Non-contact trading for café’s,…